Atomic Salon
905 West Morgan Street, Raleigh 27603 NC, United States Tel: 919-828-0064 Contact Us Website Sign in | ClickBook Information
Welcome!Mycenia Moore located at Atomic Salon in Raleigh, North Carolina is dedicated to providing the best service, ensuring that you look your best and providing a friendly, comfortable environment where all your needs can be met.

Specializing in general hair care, hair color, cuts, and all relaxers/perms, Mycenia combines experience, skill and the knowledge that exist only to serve the customer. The result is personal service, a pleasant experience and the best possible look.
Raleigh Location - Please select a Service
People & Resources
Mycenia Moore
Hair Stylist/Owner
Specializing in general hair care, hair color, cuts, and all relaxers/perms, Mycenia combines experience, skill and the knowledge that exist only to serve the customer.

Appointments must be canceled 24 hours in advance to avoid a fee.

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After you choose a date & time, you will create an account with your details and complete the booking.

Your email address and password will then allow you to review, change and add appointments.

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